yay for exercise!

I accomplished a few good things this week!

Monday: 45 minutes of weight lifting! At least I exercised (I had no desire that day to do anything!)

Tuesday: I ran two miles without my husband present (I had yet to do that). I did pray the last half of the second mile that I would finish the mile because my body really did not want to. Well, I finished! Thanks to my loving Father in Heaven! After my two mile I felt enclined to walk two more miles so I did that as well! My goal is to work up to 4 miles so that when I visit my family at Christmas time I can run with my dad like the good old days (he runs 4 miles every time he goes).

Today (Wednesday): I just barely finished exercising for 85 minutes, doing 40 minutes cardio and 45 minutes of weight lifting! I want to lose weight and I know that if I exercise more it will certainly help me reach my goal! I am hoping to excercise 60 to 95 minutes most days of the week. That is my goal.

My game plan for the rest of the week:

Thursday: Run 2-2.5 miles and walk 1.5-2 miles: if that is shorter than an hour do my 40 minute cardio dvd at home.

Friday: Cardio DVD and Weightlifting DVD (from The FIRM, which I love).

Saturday: Run 2.5 miles and walk 1.5 miles with hubby.

Sunday: Rest!!!!!!!

Wish me luck! Exercise makes me feel so much better about myself! And, I end up doing so much more with my day!


Amanda said…
Good Luck! Those sounds like great goals.

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