Oh, I'm lovin it!

Its really hard to get up at 5:30 every morning.  But I do it.  You wanna know why? 


Plain and simple.  I know that when I have exercised in the morning, before my girly gets up for the day, I feel better about myself.  I feel like I have already accomplished something for the day.  And, once I have exercised there is the rest of the day to get other things done.  I find that when I make sure I exercise in the morning, my day is a whole lot more fulfilling.  I LOVE the feeling I get when I have exercised.  Its like a drug, but what a wonderful drug it is! 

This is my time to workout.  What time is best for you?  What time is your "I'm lovin it time"?  What time is your "feel good" time?  I know that if you make sure and find that time that works for you, health will be knocking at your door.  You will feel happier.  You will feel like you've accomplished something wonderful.  You will make sure that mommy is healthy, and that is what your children and your spouse need you to be.  It is my firm belief that it is easier to give yourself to others through service when you take the time to eat healthy, to exercise, and to be spiritually healthy.

May you have a healthy day that includes a kick-behind workout session! :)


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