Goals from the Past
I guess you can say, that goals are always made in the past, and we just try and keep them in the present and hope we achieve them in the future. A goal is something you always have to strive to achieve, something you have to be deliberate about. A long time ago I ran a half-marathon to help me lose weight and prove to myself that I can do hard and amazing things. It was wonderful to feel so ACCOMPLISHED and STRONG. I remember feeling on top of the world. Afterwards, I unofficially decided that I would run a half marathon after every baby I have. Well, baby two is now 1 (how did time fly so fast!), and I still haven't run that half yet. I have almost got back to my prepregnancy weight. Because being healthy is now a lifestyle, getting back has been a slow and easy transition, although the last few pounds don't seem to come off (in all honesty, it probably doesn't help when I have sweets more than a few times a week... more on that later).
Anywho, back to goals from the past. I made that goal a long time ago, and didn't think much of it. My beautiful sister decided that she wanted to run one and asked if I would join, so to support her, and get my behind back in shape, I decided to do it. We are now in week four of a ten week program and I am LOVING the muscles that are developing in my legs! Oh, and I feel pretty good from the running too. I have more stamina (somewhat forced upon me, as I push my two girls while running- ps. so tiring!), and its not as hard as the first time around, which I attribute greatly to the fact that I know I can do it because I've done it before. My mindset this time is to just get-er-done!
I've had exciting things happen during my training thus far:
-When in California last week I ran a mud run with my daddy-o and my not-so-little little brother, and I had an absolute blast! What a fun way to train! I had to run any way, so might as well make it fun! (pictures to come)
-Also while in California my dad, sister, and I ran our long run, 6 miles, barefoot on the beach. That was definitely a first for me. What an accomplishment! I could tell it was a good workout because me calves are still sore!
-Yesterday on during my five miler with the girls I nearly ran over an Alligator. That's right, an Alligator. I nearly freaked out. He was a little guy-maybe 3-4 feet long, and I didn't notice him until the last second. Luckily he didn't either! We took a slight detour on the way home to avoid getting our legs chomped off. Oh the joys of living in Florida. I don't think I run that fast with the jogger before!
Another goal that I'm bringing back from the past is eating sweets only on days that start with the letter S. I've struggled with this one recently and if I have any hopes of losing the last ten-ish pounds or so, I need to be deliberate in achieving this goal. If I want to use the half as a catalyst for losing the rest of the pounds I need to re-analyze my eating habits, and that is where I am going to start.
Now, its time to go put the baby down for a nap and go do some heavy lifting! :)
STRONG is the new HEALTHY (love that saying and I've been seeing it around lately. Wonderful!)
Anywho, back to goals from the past. I made that goal a long time ago, and didn't think much of it. My beautiful sister decided that she wanted to run one and asked if I would join, so to support her, and get my behind back in shape, I decided to do it. We are now in week four of a ten week program and I am LOVING the muscles that are developing in my legs! Oh, and I feel pretty good from the running too. I have more stamina (somewhat forced upon me, as I push my two girls while running- ps. so tiring!), and its not as hard as the first time around, which I attribute greatly to the fact that I know I can do it because I've done it before. My mindset this time is to just get-er-done!
I've had exciting things happen during my training thus far:
-When in California last week I ran a mud run with my daddy-o and my not-so-little little brother, and I had an absolute blast! What a fun way to train! I had to run any way, so might as well make it fun! (pictures to come)
-Also while in California my dad, sister, and I ran our long run, 6 miles, barefoot on the beach. That was definitely a first for me. What an accomplishment! I could tell it was a good workout because me calves are still sore!
-Yesterday on during my five miler with the girls I nearly ran over an Alligator. That's right, an Alligator. I nearly freaked out. He was a little guy-maybe 3-4 feet long, and I didn't notice him until the last second. Luckily he didn't either! We took a slight detour on the way home to avoid getting our legs chomped off. Oh the joys of living in Florida. I don't think I run that fast with the jogger before!
Another goal that I'm bringing back from the past is eating sweets only on days that start with the letter S. I've struggled with this one recently and if I have any hopes of losing the last ten-ish pounds or so, I need to be deliberate in achieving this goal. If I want to use the half as a catalyst for losing the rest of the pounds I need to re-analyze my eating habits, and that is where I am going to start.
Now, its time to go put the baby down for a nap and go do some heavy lifting! :)
STRONG is the new HEALTHY (love that saying and I've been seeing it around lately. Wonderful!)