Life is CRAZY! And Scripture of the Week

Long time no post!  Sorry about that.  Life has only been a little crazy lately.  As you've noticed, I've moved the blog to blogger.  And there are a lot of posts you've never seen,  because I took Conscious Nomadic Balance, and transfered it to a blog that I already had over here on blogger, about living healthy, and its a blog I haven't posted on for awhile, but it matches the same type of stuff  I write now, so why not merge the two?

So, back to crazy life.  We recently moved, across country, I suppose.  Anything is across country when you move from the depths of Florida that we call Miami.  the handsome got a job in South Carolina, which will allow us to stay in one spot, not moving (hopefully never again), and we are now close to family!  The girls and I came up early so Cute Stinker number 1 could start 1st grade, which is just unreal.  I can't believe how fast she is growing!  

The other day I found the scripture below on my sister-in-law's chalk wall, and I thought it was so pertinent to my life right now, and my daughter's first day of school, so I shared it with my children last night, and my daughter and I quoted it all of the way to school.  

What a great promise, that the Lord is always with you!  What great news.  I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father.  Life is crazy right now.  We are living with in-laws until our house is finished being built (how exciting is that?  We will OWN a house!  No more renting! *happydance).

Life is good.  God is good, even when life is crazy He is there.

Are your kids starting school?  Have they started school already?


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