Life is CRAZY! And Scripture of the Week
Long time no post! Sorry about that. Life has only been a little crazy lately. As you've noticed, I've moved the blog to blogger. And there are a lot of posts you've never seen, because I took Conscious Nomadic Balance, and transfered it to a blog that I already had over here on blogger, about living healthy, and its a blog I haven't posted on for awhile, but it matches the same type of stuff I write now, so why not merge the two?
So, back to crazy life. We recently moved, across country, I suppose. Anything is across country when you move from the depths of Florida that we call Miami. the handsome got a job in South Carolina, which will allow us to stay in one spot, not moving (hopefully never again), and we are now close to family! The girls and I came up early so Cute Stinker number 1 could start 1st grade, which is just unreal. I can't believe how fast she is growing!
The other day I found the scripture below on my sister-in-law's chalk wall, and I thought it was so pertinent to my life right now, and my daughter's first day of school, so I shared it with my children last night, and my daughter and I quoted it all of the way to school.
Life is good. God is good, even when life is crazy He is there.
Are your kids starting school? Have they started school already?