Wheat Puffs

Sorry for the silence this week.  I haven't had much to say.  Its been fairly busy, or at least it seems so.  I love staying busy.  On Monday it was an errend kind of day.  Tuesday I spend the whole day baking-bread, fiber bars, zucchini bread, and pizza pockets (recipe coming soon!).  We were in desperate need of snacks.  My daughter loves those fiber bars, and whenever she wants them she goes right to them and does the "I want" sound that most 18 month-olds make to get what they want, and she points and waits till I get her one.  So cute! 

Today I am going to talk about wheat puffs.  Have you ever had them?

A few reasons I like wheat puffs:

For a one cup serving you get:
only 70 calories (beats every cereal off their socks in the calorie department!)
2 grams of Fiber (not bad for it ONLY being wheat puffs)
No additives-there is only red wheat.
No question that it is whole grain.
2 grams of protein (sweet!)
Zero fat
Zero Sodium
Just good old Whole Red Wheat puffed in the puffy goodness.
A great filler.
A 6 oz bag (which last me quite awhile) at walmart is only $1.  That makes me happy!

I like to mix my puffs with my other favorite cereals- I am very much a "suicide cereal maker".  It doesn't matter how many cereals I have mixed in my bowl.  I love it!  I get more for my buck.  I usually do half a cup of another cereal, and half a cup of wheat puffs, and it comes out to less calories then if I were to just have the other cereal by itself.  SCORE! 

One of my favorite combos:
1/2 cup Kashi go lean
1/2 cup Puffed Red wheat
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 5 oz banana
1 1/2 tbs sliced almonds

305 calories

Wahoo! I have this cereal everyday and love it every time I have it!  SCORE! 

If you haven't had wheat puffs you should give them a try!


Mindy said…
i love these, too! apart from the health perks, i love that they're only $1 per bag :) one of the few healthy things on the market that aren't outrageously priced.

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