Fighting a cold, but prayers were answered

My sweet husband decided to share with me and gave me his stuffy nose, his sore throat, and I am sure his cough will be heard from my throat in the next few days too.  I even have the priveledge of having a pink eye!  I'm so lucky!  Ha.  I can't wait for it to go away!
Anyhow, we've had a few busy weeks, and yesterday was especially busy, but I am grateful we were busy, because prayers were answered in the process.  Let me tell you why:

Yesterday we spent almost 8 hours at a hospital. So glad we are done with that!

When our daughter was five months old, we found out that she had something called "Bilateral Bladder Reflux grade 3" meaning that the tubing from her kidneys to her bladder were not strong enough so, urine would sometimes travel back to the kidney. Well, this isn't good, because it can cause kidney infections, and every time the kidney is infected, the function of it lessons by 10%. So for the last year and a few months, she has been taking antibiotics every day, and has had testing every six months just to make sure that everything is well.

Fast forward to the middle of January:

We went to her pediatric urologist for a routine check up, and we mentioned we may be moving in a few months, and we wanted to see what could be done procedure-wise to fix K's problem. When we found out we would move to Maine, we, and her dr, could not find anyone who was a ped urologist there, so we wanted to fix the problem sooner than later, because we really like her Doctor. So, we decided to have the normal tests done again to see if her grade had gone down or not- if it had gotten better, we would hold of on any procedure, if it stayed the same, or got worse, we would go ahead with Deflux, a procedure where they make the walls of her ureters stronger by injecting this putty-like stuff into them- which creates a mound making it easier for the ureters to close when they need to.

It turned out that it hadn't gotten much better-she is still at a grade three, but this time the part that connected to the kidney was a little more swellen than six months ago. So, on to the Deflux we went.

Yesterday, she went through surgery to have the deflux done. We spent a lot of time waiting, but it was worth it. There were no insiscions done, which was ncie. The surgery went well, and in two months time, she will have a follow up, and have an x-ray done to see how it has done. Hopefully the surugery will have done what we wanted, and she can get off of her medicine! We are so grateful for modern medicine and for the prayers that have been answered for us. Whenever we move I wonder why we were sent there- I know Heavenly Father has reasons why we are sent to each place- I believe he truely inspires Scott's bosses when they decide where we are to move next. Well, I firmly believe that a reason we were sent to New Mexico because Heavenly Father knew there was a doctor here who could help us, and who really cared for Kisney's welfare. Without even us asking, her doctor has even done research and found aa pediatric urologist in Maine! He's even going so far as calling him personally to see if they can take care of our baby when we move there! Her dr, Dr. Vordermark, goes above and beyond, and I am so grateful we found him!
Our girly is doing well. You can't even tell that she went through surgery yesterday! What a miracle!


Vennesa said…
That's great! I'm happy for you!
Amanda C. said…
I'm glad everything went well. I can't wait for the two month check up to see how it worked.
Cheryl Allen said…
I'm so glad that everything went well with Kinsey's surgery. I hadn't even heard anything about it. Jonathan had reflux and he was on Bactrim for a year, but his condition cleared up. I'll keep her in my prayers that all is well and the surgery corrects the problem.

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