First Triathlon Baby!

Last week Trainer momma invited all Texas Fit mommas to sign up for the Windcrest Freshman Triathlon coming up on April 30th.  She said she's doing it 20 weeks pregnant, and since I will be the same amount pregnant, I figured I could do it too so I think I'm going to do it!  My husband is currently driving to Dallas today to meet with the owner of the hospital that the project is on.  If the owner likes him, then he starts work tomorrow!  Its been very quick, but because we will be living in Dallas then I will be a TX fit momma, and a little closer to San Antonio where the race will be.  So I think I'm going to sign up.  I've always wanted to do a triathlon, so might as well start now!  And, I'm excited because I'll get to meet the Trainermomma!  How sweet is that!  I'm SO EXCITED! I've been having the itch to race, but scared to do a triathlon, and who knew it was possible while pregnant?  The lengths aren't too bad, so I'm confident I can do it. The swim worries me the most so I'll just have to start doing that soon... But, yay I'm excited!


Alyssa Ann said…
That sounds so excited and for doing it 20 weeks prego. you go girl, be careful!
Amanda said…
That's awesome. I hope your Dr. gives you the go ahead. I already have plans for doing either a full marathon or the Tour de Tucson in 2012. A triathlon would be so much fun too.
Unknown said…
That's great Alisa! If you need a place to stay, let me know. I'll hook you up with my parents or other friends or family (since I'm from SA)
Go Alisa Go!
Kristi said…
That is awesome!!!! Good for you for attempying soething like that - pregnant or not! Be really careful and listento your body!!!!! Love you~K

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