Stonewalled, Thoughts, and Goals goals goals

I weighed myself today and my body is at a comfortable 137. I say comfortable because it seems to like to stay right around 136-137.  Granted I haven't been counting calories (are you supposed to when you nurse???), and I haven't been super strict (who can live without a little sugar in their lives, Jillian Michaels even eats a 300 calorie sweet everyday!), but my workouts are still nocking my socks off they are so intense, my body is just staying here right now.  It might be becauswe I'm nursing, but I don't want to use that excuse just yet. 

I joined La Fitness out here (I miss the YMCA A LOT, but La Fitness is a lot closer to us), and they do one free session with a trainer-mainly to get you to buy more sessions so I did one last week.  They measure your weight, and hight, then they have this device that you hold straight out in both of your hands, and it supposedly measures your body fat percentage. Has anyone heard of this or tried it?  The reason I ask is because I don't trust the number that they said I had.  The trainer said that I had a body fat percentage of 7.1 %.  Women should be around 12-18 percent, and men around 4-9 percent.  I don't believe it, because when I look at myself naked, and when I walk and wave there is just a little too much jiggling for me to have only 7% body fat.  I want a redo.  I mean, having that percentage would be wonderful, I just don't think its true.  I don't like all toned and stuff.  Then he went on to tell me I didn't need to lose weight, but needed to gain 11 pounds of muscle.  The point is not to GAIN weight.  The point is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and toned.  He didn't really listen to that so much though.  It was a good workout though!

Anyway, because I'm stonewalled, and because I just need to be more disciplined anyway, I've revised my weightloss goals ever so slightly to get me to where I want to be.

1. Minimize Chocolate intake.  Its okay, just not all of the time, a few times a week (it felt like I was sneaking mini semi sweet chocolate chips into everything last week!  Even my cereal!).  It makes me feel bloated and headachy, so I need to back off.

2. Only bake sweets on the weekends.  I don't need more than that. 

3. No late night heavy snacks ( I am often hungry before bed, and my go to is cereal, or pudding with mix-ins, and those are too heavy for right before bed).  Eat a piece of fruit and or a protein instead.

4. Drink 8 oz of water before each meal and before I go for seconds.

5. each my goal weight by our five year anniversary on June 30th.  I can do it, I can do it!

6. Choose a healthy option if we eat out.

7. Be okay with eating how I need to eat to feel and be healthy.  I'm me, and I am different than eveyrone else, so I need not feel left out when I choose not to eat something everyone else is eating.

8. Choose healthy options when I eat out.

These are my goals I will focuse on to help me lose weight over the next month or so.  I know I can do it because I've done it before.  My big this week will be to drinik a glass of water before I eat and before I eat seconds.  Hopefully that will help in the over eating department.  What are your goals this week?


Davis and Laura said…
I'd use that excuse. I don't lose all my weight til after I nurse. I dropped 5lbs after I had Marshall. Not looking forward to that this time around, but the weight doesn't come off as easy for me. I still have 10 to lose and I'm sure it will stay on for a while...

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