Negative Nancy

Do you ever have those points in your life/week/day/hour that you can be pretty negative just about everything?  Last night was one of those nights.  I had a pretty decent day- a personal trainer at the gym even gave me a compliment by saying he wanted to train me sometime (I think thats a compliment!  Now, if only I had the money to do that, I would!).  I even went to a new location for the gym I belong to, because the other one was over crowded.  It is one of those "go there to be seen" places, and there was lots of muscle, and the daycare was way over crowded.  Go ten minutes in the other direction and there is another one that is smaller, not crowded at all, the childcare is nearly empty which all made me a happy girl.  I really didn't want to cancel my membership, but I was considering it because I didn't like the feel of this other gym.  My mom is even coming today to visit us!  All of these should give cause to be happy.

I ignored all of these and decided to be cranky last night and one major thing made me that way:  I decided to make something with chocolate chips in them because after all it was national chocolate chip day, and we had to have something to honor my favorite morsel, so I made a treat.  On a weekday.  Isn't it one of my rules to not make any on a weekday!  Blew that one this week. Just two days after I decided to refine my eating habits, I mess them up.  Any how, that kind of spiraled me into a negative nancy type situation where I decided to be negative about most everything, and it made me lazy, then I hated myself for being lazy.  I was negative about my weight, about my body. 

To get over this negative vibe, I first prayed.  Praying for me is essential to get me through my day.  My Heavnly Father is the only one who knows how to help me exactly in each situation.  So, I asked for him to get me out of this funk.  Then I had to remind myself what I've done so far.  I've lost 18 lbs since having the baby girl.  Quite an accomplishment!  I've been raising two beautiful girls.  That is an accomplishment in and of itself.  I eat relatively healthy, and I exercise and am strong.  There are goals I have made, and if I am diligent I will reach them one step and one goal at a time.  I know what to do, I've done it before.  Its just the doing that is the hard part. 

On another good side note-Water is AWESOME!  I've been making sure to drink it before I eat, and after I eat my first serving and its helped a lot in the over eating department.  Yay!  And, I've been getting less dizzy spells and headaches and dehydration (dehydration is easy to accomplish here in Florida, yup I live in Florida!).  Anyhow, I LOVE water.  Praying for a more positive day today. 


Davis and Laura said…
Girl, it sounds like you need to cut yourself a break!!! Its okay to have a cookie here and there...even on a weekday. I know I can get into those moods too but we are only human and you have come a long way. Don't be too critical of yourself! You are doing great, and you've had a lot going on. I've had to tell these things to myself too... :)

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