Rehab your Eyes

“The effort to throw off traditions of distrust and pettiness and truly see one another with new eyes—see each other not as aliens or adversaries but as fellow travelers, brothers and sisters, and children of God—is one of the most challenging while at the same time most rewarding and ennobling experiences of our human existence,” said President Uchtdorf.

So, one of my favorite shows is Rehab Addict. Ever.  Seriously.  One day I'm going to have an old house that I am going to buy for super cheap and I'm going to rehab it and live in it and be happy forever.  Seriously.  Some day.  I hope. Anyhow,  I love that Nicole Curtis takes old homes and rehabilitates them to their original grandeur.  She doesn't knock out walls.  She doesn't take out original mirrors and cabinets.  She works with what she has, and she cleans it up and makes it look new again.

We were born with the love of Christ in our hearts.  But, as the years go by trials, experiences, and life happens which can tint or even damage that love.  Moroni in the book of Mormon (Moroni 7:47) said, "  But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him."  Jesus Christ said that the new commandment was to love one another even as He loves us.  Charity.  Charity is more than giving money to the poor:

Charity "suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil: Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

So, how can we see each other with new eyes?  The only way to do it is to start looking purposely.  As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I have the opportunity to enter our temples, if I am found worthy and following the statutes of God.  Last Friday I went and I would like to share the thought that went through my head. We wear white clothes while in the temple.  While I was looking at everyone in their white clothing I was able to see them differently than I often can in everyday life.  There was no evidence of who they were, or where they came from.  There was no evidence of their job, or trials, or traditions.  Nothing.  Just spirit brothers and sisters wearing their temple whites. So, I got to see these people. Really see these people.  And do you know what I saw?  I saw beautiful people.  I saw people that are struggling trying to get through life.  I saw people who are striving to do the best they can with what they've got.  And they were beautiful.  I've never seen strangers this way before.  It was wonderful! You should try it!

Clean up your eyes.  Peal off that old wall paper called differences.  Clean off that mold called hurt.  Refinish that beautiful wood called character, heart, and spirit and get to work.  It may seem hard at first.  Change is NEVER easy. The best thing to do is just start.  Do it now.  When you go back to work after lunch, look at your boss with fresh eyes.  When you pick up your kids from school, smile at the other parents (probably one of my favorite pass-times EVER!).  When you go to church on Sunday look for that person that is really struggling and strive to fill their emptiness with friendship and kindness.  It is so challenging.  But, it is SO WORTH IT.  Try it and you will see.  Try it and please share with me in the comments what happened and how you felt.  Change begins with you.  Love begins with you.

Rehab those eyes....and don't forget to smile!!!!  :)


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