Woe is me!!!!! Scripture of the week
The scene placed before me is a women on a stage who says "Woe is me" only to faint into the arms of a strong man behind her. But, I am going to talk about a "woe" that is way more intense than that.
I love the "Woe" verses in the scriptures. Say what? You heard me. Woe scripture verses are the easiest to understand. The woe scriptures are black and white, which is the case with this one.
Isaiah is good at "woe" scriptures. There are lots of them in his book, especially in chapter 5. This week we are focusing on verse 20:

Woe dude!!!!!!!!! (Pun intended). I think this verse was written for our day. Just today I read an article saying that teenagers are having sex at younger ages than ever before. The article also said that Pornography is also very available and that more than 50% of teenagers view it regularly. And these kids THINK its actually OKAY. Having sex before marriage is NOT OKAY. Seeing people NAKED is not good. It is evil. Sex is not bad if you are married. Sex is actually really good if you are married. It is what bond husbands and wives together and make their relationships stronger. It is sweet and beautiful. But, it is bad and not okay when you are not married. Since the beginning of time God as decreed it so (I look to God to know what things are Evil and what things are Good). One of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Reuben, the son of Jacob/Israel, committed such an act and lost his birthright over it. Alma, in the Book of Mormon, talked to Corianton about how Sexual Sin and adultery is one of the greatest sins there is. It is not good. But in today's society, people say it is good ALL OF THE TIME. Movies and TV run rampant with sexual acts that are performed outside of marriage. Social Media, texting, the internet in general is overrun with it. Not okay. Isaiah said it plane as day, "Woe unto them that call Evil GOOD".
He also said "Woe unto them that call...GOOD Evil." I can think of a few things, but the biggest one is prayer in schools. Or the American Flag hanging in college campuses, because if it's hung it can offend people from other countries. Or putting a nativity of the Savior's birth on public property. To name a few. All of those are good things. They are. Prayer, regardless of to what power or universe, is a good thing. It is. Those that believe in Jesus Christ built this country. The people that traveled across the Atlantic to Plymouth rock escaped persecution for wanting to read the bible in their own language. They were Christians. And, all of the sudden after over 200 years as a country and even more years since Christians started to settle here, Christianity and believing in a higher being is considered bad and evil among many of our country's leaders. It's appalling.
Woe be unto them. I know we all have our struggles, and I know that we all sin differently, but it still doesn't give you permission to do it. Saying, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you" doesn't make your sin or my sin okay. That is also bad and not good. I actually love that quote because it points out that we have no right to judge others and treat them poorly because their sins are different than ours. Putting a scarlet letter on someone's clothes because they committed adultery is judging and it's definitely not okay. Making fun of someone because they did something awful is not okay. Christ did command us to judge a righteous judgement. Saying that adultery and sex without marriage in and of itself is bad, is definitely okay.
Whew, okay. I am so glad I got this off my chest. This scripture is such a good reminder to me. I constantly need to evaluate my actions to keep myself in check. It is so easy to start calling evil things good in now-a-days, especially with peer pressure.
Nothing like some hell-fire and damnation to get your week going! Yikes... so grateful for the scriptures as a guide to help keep me out of trouble!
I love the "Woe" verses in the scriptures. Say what? You heard me. Woe scripture verses are the easiest to understand. The woe scriptures are black and white, which is the case with this one.
Isaiah is good at "woe" scriptures. There are lots of them in his book, especially in chapter 5. This week we are focusing on verse 20:
Woe dude!!!!!!!!! (Pun intended). I think this verse was written for our day. Just today I read an article saying that teenagers are having sex at younger ages than ever before. The article also said that Pornography is also very available and that more than 50% of teenagers view it regularly. And these kids THINK its actually OKAY. Having sex before marriage is NOT OKAY. Seeing people NAKED is not good. It is evil. Sex is not bad if you are married. Sex is actually really good if you are married. It is what bond husbands and wives together and make their relationships stronger. It is sweet and beautiful. But, it is bad and not okay when you are not married. Since the beginning of time God as decreed it so (I look to God to know what things are Evil and what things are Good). One of the ten commandments is "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Reuben, the son of Jacob/Israel, committed such an act and lost his birthright over it. Alma, in the Book of Mormon, talked to Corianton about how Sexual Sin and adultery is one of the greatest sins there is. It is not good. But in today's society, people say it is good ALL OF THE TIME. Movies and TV run rampant with sexual acts that are performed outside of marriage. Social Media, texting, the internet in general is overrun with it. Not okay. Isaiah said it plane as day, "Woe unto them that call Evil GOOD".
He also said "Woe unto them that call...GOOD Evil." I can think of a few things, but the biggest one is prayer in schools. Or the American Flag hanging in college campuses, because if it's hung it can offend people from other countries. Or putting a nativity of the Savior's birth on public property. To name a few. All of those are good things. They are. Prayer, regardless of to what power or universe, is a good thing. It is. Those that believe in Jesus Christ built this country. The people that traveled across the Atlantic to Plymouth rock escaped persecution for wanting to read the bible in their own language. They were Christians. And, all of the sudden after over 200 years as a country and even more years since Christians started to settle here, Christianity and believing in a higher being is considered bad and evil among many of our country's leaders. It's appalling.
Woe be unto them. I know we all have our struggles, and I know that we all sin differently, but it still doesn't give you permission to do it. Saying, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you" doesn't make your sin or my sin okay. That is also bad and not good. I actually love that quote because it points out that we have no right to judge others and treat them poorly because their sins are different than ours. Putting a scarlet letter on someone's clothes because they committed adultery is judging and it's definitely not okay. Making fun of someone because they did something awful is not okay. Christ did command us to judge a righteous judgement. Saying that adultery and sex without marriage in and of itself is bad, is definitely okay.
Whew, okay. I am so glad I got this off my chest. This scripture is such a good reminder to me. I constantly need to evaluate my actions to keep myself in check. It is so easy to start calling evil things good in now-a-days, especially with peer pressure.
Nothing like some hell-fire and damnation to get your week going! Yikes... so grateful for the scriptures as a guide to help keep me out of trouble!