Attention all Worry Warts: This is for you!
If you are a worry wart like me raise your had... I knew I wasn't the only one out there!
I am the worrier of all worriers. It is bad. I drive myself crazy. Seriously, this is probably the reason I have gut issues... Anywho, probably TMI. Sorry.
We have been reading from the New Testament as a family and the other night we read Matthew chapter six which is part of Sermon on the Mount. The advice in this particular verse is especially good for worry warts:
I am really good about worrying about what will happen tomorrow. Then I get really stressed out. Then I don't want to go to bed because I don't want to wake up to tomorrow just yet. All of the sudden it is midnight and I go to bed just to wake up too early to do yoga before the kids wake up because yoga is not supposed to be stressful, and having 3 cute kiddos climb all over you while doing yoga can be stressful. While doing yoga you are supposed to be able to think about life's problems and find solutions to those problems, and you are also supposed to push boundaries and do things you never thought you could do. Focusing + 3 children making a hallaballoo = not possible. Then my whole day is ruined because the stress-relieving aspects of yoga didn't happen and I am tired and I stayed up to late because I didn't go to bed because I was worried.
Long story short, worrying is not always a good thing. Sometimes it can push you to become better. Sometimes it just freezes you in your tracks. That kind of worry is no bueno.
Thank goodness for the good advice we can find in the Holy Writ. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who has inspired prophets throughout all time to write down the gospel that is full of good advice and wisdom. I know that if we follow it we can be happy. The gospel gives me hope. It helps me push aside my worry.
We will have time to worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Obviously it is good to have goals and plans for your week. But, it is not okay to get too stressed about it. There is time to think about what is going to happen tomorrow tomorrow.
My goal this week each night when I kneel to pray is to thank my Father for my blessings, and then I am going to hand over my worries to Him. He knows how to help me. He knows how we can live tomorrow in the best way. When I think about Jesus Christ and what He knows, it is so much easier to set aside my worries and trust in Him that today will be okay; that tomorrow will be okay. Jesus knows. He knows perfectly. Isn't that wonderful?