Behind and Vulnerable

Do you ever feel like you are behind in your spiritual growth? Like you are just kind of going through the motions and doing what you are supposed to but you are just kind of doing it? Well, I have been feeling that way lately. I can't say that I have really been misbehaving, I just think that I haven't been doing as much as I could to grow spiritually. This is one reason why I have decided to record my thoughts about spiritual things here.

Like I have before stated, this blog is really entirely for me. It is here to help me become healthy, to make my soul healthy. I believe in order to do that I need to recognize my thoughts and why I do things the way I do. The best way to do this is to write. I believe that through writing we learn the most about ourselves. I can order what normally may be scattered thoughts into organized insights thus therefore learning more about ourselves because these thoughts are organized.

This is one reason I feel so vulnerable. I feel vulnerable because for the first time I am laying out in front of me all of my hopes and dreams, my personal insights taht I charish deeply, as well as all of my vices for whoever reads this to see. But, I feel that this is ncessary to do in order to learn more about myself. This blog was written for purely selfish reasons. I just want myself to succeed with this new health initiative I have taken on in my life. It has now become so much more than just losing weight. It is about my soul. The health of my soul. My soul is very important to me and I want to function at the best that my soul can function which is probably at I higher level than I can imagine. It is now that I remember that I am a daughter of God and as such I have divine qualities that offer endless possibilities and endless triumphs. As long as I remember this I can and will be unstoppable, able to fight the good fight and come out triumphantly. So, although this is for me I invite you to watch me fight this battle against he natural man and win. It will be difficult and I am sure there are going to be sometimes when I fall but I will always get back up.


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