A good week

Its been awhile since I have posted anything, and that is entirely my fault. I have found many excuses not to write anything pushing it to the next day and never getting it done. Finally I am writing again. It was probably because I was afraid to record my thoughts and to dig around seeing why I do what I do. I don't know. Last week was an okay week. I think I worked out 2 or 3 days, but I did not eat that well. This week has been much better. I have worked out four days. I am really trying to eat better. My portions are the real problem, but I have actually been doing okay this week. Last week I think I did not write because I kind of got discouraged. It just hard to be this size because I have never weighed this much in my life. I know that it is because I was pregnant, but this knowledge doesn't make it any easier. I regret not being better at what I ate and how much I exercised while I was pregnant. Next time I promise myself that I will be better. I have to make sure to change my lifestyle before that so it will be easier when I am pregnant again.

Yesterday I gained some good knowledge and good perspective. I read a talk from the April 2009 general conference yesterday and I loved it. Its called "Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" by Elder Kevin W. Pearson. He talked about the Six Destructive Ds. These influences come from Satan and "stem from personal tendencies, attitudes, and habits". The six destructive Ds are doubt, discouragement, distraction, lack of diligence, disobedience, and disbelief. This really opened my eyes. I realized that this was what happens when I don't do what I am supposed to when it comes to diet and exercise, as well as other things in my life. It is easy to feel doubt when it comes to losing weight. I think it is because it is such a slow progress to lose weight that I become doubtful that it will happen. Elder Pearson explained that doubt and faith cannot coexist. So, when one doubts they then become discouraged. And I get discouraged when it comes to losing weight all too often. When I get discouraged I often try to get distracted by eating or doing other things instead of facing the challenge head on. I end up not working out and eating unhealthily. This lead to a lack of diligence where I exercise less and I eat more and less healthy. Eventually I completely fall of the band wagon and end up believing that it will never happen, or disbelief. I realized yesterday how much I needed to read that. It gave me incredible insight into myself as a person. I really need to notice when I doubt and then replace that doubt with faith. Look at it as a good challenge, and do better.

It is amazing how faith can help you accomplish so much. Through faith I have had a good week. I worked out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and today. All of the workouts were amazing. I am guessing that they are working because I have been sore every day this week! I feel good and life is good! It is amazing how working out makes you so happy!


Amber said…
Sounds like you had a great week and some great insights!!! I sooooooo want a picture of your goal outfit when you find one!! I think that's such a fun idea!!!! Keep it up!

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