5k run
A family friend in her blog recently said that she signed up for a 5k run in August giving her two months to recoop from give child birth and a goal to start working out to loose the baby weight. So, I thought that would be a fun thing. Because I ran on Friday, I figured it would be fun to start training for a 5k. So, both regrettingly (because of the work I am going to have to put in) and excitingly I decided to call my dad and tell him to look to see if there are any 5ks going on in CA when I will be there in July. So, he got right on it and there are! So, we are going to run a 5k. It will be so much fun because my dad and I have been running buddies ever since I was a teenager and I love it. It was a nice bonding time I had with him, so I am so excited to have that time with my Father! Yay! Love you dad! I can't wait!