Got to love the gospel!

Do you ever leave church just feeling AWESOME because of what you learn and feel while you are there? I do. Yesterday was one of those days. Sometimes I have a hard time feeling that because being the primary presidency sometimes you just go through the motions so that the children can learn, and that's all it is, motions. But, I walked away yesterday just feeling good. I enjoyed our testimony meeting. Many talked of how grateful they are for the Savior because he made the way possible for us to repent and return to our Heavenly Father. I am sure grateful that we can repent of our sins because I am sure not perfect! I am grateful that our Father in Heaven is both a perfect judge as well as a merciful God because that is the only way repentance can happen. He knew perfectly well that without a Savior only justice can exist but because the Savior was foreordained to come to earth and die for us and then live for us we are able to have mercy as well, which we all need because none of us are perfect. In primary Mary (the 2nd counselor) taught of Faith and about the Brother of Jared on the Book of Mormon, how he was commanded to build barges so his family could travel to the promised land. He had faith that the Lord would like soem clear stones he had made so his family could have light on their trip and because of the Brother of Jared's exceeding faith, he saw the finger of the Lord and then His face because the brother of Jared had more faith than any man at that time. I am so grateful for that story because it lets me know just what great things can come to pass if only we have faith. If my faith can develop and eventually become as strong as his (which won't happen for eons maybe, but it will) then I will be able to see the Savior's face and know Him. I have faith that I will see the Savior, even if I have to wait till the millenium, it will happen and I can't wait!


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