A quick update...
I have to hurry because the baby is waking up from her nap. My road to healthy living is slow but I am moving in that direction. I have lost a few pounds and I feel pretty healthy. I just wish this whole losing pounds thing was easier. I exercise. I just am still working on the whole food thing, which is terribly difficult. But, I am trying. I love my life and I love that I am trying. I am also starting to practice the piano more. For all who don't know I love the piano and have played since I was eight. Well, since the baby was born I have not had much practice time and have become kind of rusty. So, I am starting to practice everyday, even if only for a few minutes. I am noticing a difference. It is my testimony that part of healthy living is developing your talents. I love playing hte piano and I am being reminded of that daily. And, the baby loves to watch me play! It is so cute! She even talks/sings? to the music. So cute! Live is good and I think I am doing pretty good! Yay!