I am what I am because of you...sounds like a love song huh?
I need to get siked up for tomororw. We are running 5 miles and even though I am fairly confident I can do it, the runs always seem harder before they are done. I find that it is only after the run that I feel like I can do anything.
Thanks for all of your support but I am a woman only trying to lose weight. I am not better than all of you, like my cousin Kristi, who is one of the most amazing women I have ever known. You are the mother of four and you have overcome more than I could ever imagine. Or Amber, you have made your diagnosis of being gluten-intolorant and turned it into a fun challenge. I know how hard that diet is. You are amazing for doing that. And all of you other AMAZINGly WONDERFULly AWESOME women who have done more than I can imagine. I am only doing what all of you have done just in a different way. I am changing my life for something better. Don't we all do that in some way or another?
Yes, a lot of people have problems with weight, especially us normal non- celebrity/hollywood, mothers who had a baby recently. Many women have a hard time losing the weight after they have their children.
-Well I have decided to not be one of those women. I will not be overweight after child birth. I will rise above my pregnancy weight gain. I will learn what I must to lose the weight, get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and emotionally and physically prepare myself for the next time I get pregnant. I will never gain 50 pounds during a pregnancy again. I will be more careful next time because 50 pounds is A LOT to lose. But if I do, I will look toward this blog as hope and I will look to this blog for strength because I know that I will achieve my goals. I will run 13.1 miles. I will lose weight. I will do what needs to be done to be healthy. I will have setbacks (I do all of the time). I will overcome those setbacks. I will become what I want to become because I can. I know I can because There are millions of stories just like mine, millions of people who had challenges in their lives and overcame them because they believed that they could.
I can because I know I can. I can because I have friends and family that believe in me. I can because Heavenly Father knows I can. I can because I want to. I can because I need to. I can because of your examples. Thank you for your support. I CAN AND I WILL!
Thanks for all of your support but I am a woman only trying to lose weight. I am not better than all of you, like my cousin Kristi, who is one of the most amazing women I have ever known. You are the mother of four and you have overcome more than I could ever imagine. Or Amber, you have made your diagnosis of being gluten-intolorant and turned it into a fun challenge. I know how hard that diet is. You are amazing for doing that. And all of you other AMAZINGly WONDERFULly AWESOME women who have done more than I can imagine. I am only doing what all of you have done just in a different way. I am changing my life for something better. Don't we all do that in some way or another?
Yes, a lot of people have problems with weight, especially us normal non- celebrity/hollywood, mothers who had a baby recently. Many women have a hard time losing the weight after they have their children.
-Well I have decided to not be one of those women. I will not be overweight after child birth. I will rise above my pregnancy weight gain. I will learn what I must to lose the weight, get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and emotionally and physically prepare myself for the next time I get pregnant. I will never gain 50 pounds during a pregnancy again. I will be more careful next time because 50 pounds is A LOT to lose. But if I do, I will look toward this blog as hope and I will look to this blog for strength because I know that I will achieve my goals. I will run 13.1 miles. I will lose weight. I will do what needs to be done to be healthy. I will have setbacks (I do all of the time). I will overcome those setbacks. I will become what I want to become because I can. I know I can because There are millions of stories just like mine, millions of people who had challenges in their lives and overcame them because they believed that they could.
I can because I know I can. I can because I have friends and family that believe in me. I can because Heavenly Father knows I can. I can because I want to. I can because I need to. I can because of your examples. Thank you for your support. I CAN AND I WILL!
I had hoped that I would be able to not gain much weight with my other kids after I gained sooo much with my first but (not to be a downer) I have gained 60-70 with each kid.... It is a weird thing my body does - I lose about 30 lbs the first 5 months and since my body is in starvation mode it just packs on as many lbs as it can in the last few ... no matter what I do! It is frustrating but the kids are so worth it! It is hard to admit but it is another reason we are waiting a long time before we have another (if we do) my body has just been through too much the past 12 years, and especially the past 6 (13 pregnancies and 4 kids). But the most important thing is to try to be healthy - at whatever weight we are currently at! We CAN do it! Whoooo hoooo! You are so amazing! 5 miles! WOW!