Cookie recipe picking tips.

I can be kind of picky with my recipes, especially baked good recipes, because that is where you find a lot of unhealthyness, and you got to be tricky when it comes to changing the recipes.  One of my favorite desserts/baked goods, are cookies.  I LOVE them.  I am pretty picky with cookie recipes though.  When I want a new cookie recipe, I automatically scour the ingredient list and nutrition information.  If I find something I don't like, I don't make it, or I will try and mess around and change it a bit (more than likely that is what I do).

 These are my specific requirements and tips for cookie recipes:

1. More than 1/2 cup butter in a recipe is too much butter.  Unfortunately cookies need some butter/oil/fat to come out cookie-like (chewy, goey, and soft).  You can take some away (up to half), but don't really substitute anything for it, because it will change the cookie a little bit.
2. More than 1 cup of sugar too much sugar.  The less the better.  You can half the sugar in a recipe without changing the cookies taste or physiology too much.
3. The calorie count:  If the calories for a cookie is more than 100, I don't want it.  The less the better here as well.  My ideal cookie has around 50-70 calories, which is hard to come by, but worth the search.
4. Whole wheat: I greatly prefer a cookie to have whole wheat.  If it doesn't, then I will substitute whole wheat flour for the white flour.  I test it.  I usually start with doing half-whole wheat half white.  Everytime I make it I may try it with more of the wheat and less of the white.  Sometimes I can do complete whole wheat and the cookie texture is the same, and sometimes not.  So, you just kind of test it, but I always will substitute some wheat for white flour.  I never bake with only white all-purpose flour. 
5.  If it has both brown sugar and white, I eliminate the white and just use the brown sugar- it has more flavor to me. 

That's about everthing as far as what I look at when it comes to searching for cookie recipes.  Happy searching!


Lindy said…
I love making peanut butter cookies and then I use my cookie press to make them nice and small. Just perfect for me and the toddler to not go overboard. Thanks for the tips!
Anonymous said…
Quite an informative post. Sounds interesting too. Thanks for sharing. I will try to follow this.

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