Same old, Same old

I am really good at rationalizing my choices when it comes to one majori element of vacation- FOOD.  I could hardly quantify the types and amount of rationalizing I have done these last 9 days (I've been on vacation for a week and 1/2 and have a 1 week and a day left.  Life is beatuiful!).  It is especially easy to rationalize when EVERYBODY else is doing it- and it ALWAYS FEELS like EVERYBODY ELSE is doing it.  Seriously.  It does.  Its even easier to rationalize when I like the taste of food period.  It doesn't matter whether it is healthy or not.  If it tastes good, it is a WHOLE lot easier to say yes when I am on vacation and when it seems that EVERYONE is eating, even what I probably shouldn't. 

Its the same old story every vacation.  I just LOVE to eat.  Its one of my favorite pass times.  Seriously.  But eating that much does not agree with my other goals of staying healthy, living a life of moderation, and maintaining a healthy weight.  So how do I find that balance?  How do I say no when I so desperately want to say yes?  Half of my mind tells me that its okay to eat it because it tastes good.  It tells me that I will be okay if I do it just this one time.  Every thing I consider eating, my mind has some type of rationalization telling me that its okay to eat it, even when I know I shouldn't.  Its a vicious cycle. 

So the question is what should I do?  Should I continue this somewhat carefree way of eating (nibbling here and there, dessert every night... many of you probably understand what I mean...) and just worry about it when I get home?  Or, should I try and say no to the daily dessert and extra snacking now. I want to say that I shouldn't do the extra snacking now.  But, it is SO difficult.  I don't like feeling like I am left out, and that is what makes this so hard. 

Its not that I am doing HORRIBLY.  Last night when we made a Cold Stone run (my father's FAVORITE) I chose the Sinless Cream Ice Cream, which is made with nonfat milk and no sugar (it has splenda I think).  And when we go out to eat, I plan what I am going to eat before we leave.  Its the homemade treats and snacks just lying around.  And the nuts,  When I start eating the nuts, it is hard to stop.  But alas, I am happy to be home, and its nice to have a place to write my thoughts.  I can't wait for thanksgiving.  All week I have been searching for recipes I am going to use for the Thanksgiving components that I want healthier (we are going to have double of many things, but its worth it).  To feel like I am not being left out I must make my own version.  Today I found a pecan pie with only 1/2 cup of butter.  Do you know what else they use? BEANS.  That is right.  The most awesomest secret ingredient EVER.  And, I may even try a pie crust recipe I found that does not call for butter or shortening.  We will see how it works! 

I am even more excited because my hubby is coming into town tomorrow! YAY!

Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving.  Sorry I haven't been posting much.  I guess I'm having too much fun on vacation!  I LOVE IT!


Kristi said…
Holiday time is just TOUGH!!! I think just do the best you can and don't beat yourself up about it!!! For me if I snack I don't do dessert - or vice versa, it is doing both that will really sneak up on you fast! Good luck and tell everyone HI and that we love 'em!
Davis and Laura said…
Totally understand how you feel...we bought fudge on our vacation this past weekend! FUGDE!!! What was I thinking? :)
Unknown said…
I get it! Boy do I get it! I think maintaining control is much easier than letting go and trying to clamber back. It's like you're making a mistake and saying, "I'll mess up and repent later, because I know I can." That doesn't work and shouldn't be the way of thinking. Keeping balance and control constantly will be a struggle, but is the best method. I'm still trying to control my balance in foods. It's worth it, but not easy. You're very strong, you can do it.

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