Half Marathon Number 2???

So last week my friend announced last week that she was going to do a half here in dallas at the end of January. I was excited for here and jealous at the same time, because I can't wait to do a race!  Last night I found out that she is doing the same half-marathon and started training last week.  That got me to thinking, shoud I do it too?  I know I can run a half, because I've done it before, the question is, can I do it that soon?  I mentioned my interest to Scott, and later to my friend, and both said I should do it.  Then my mind got to thinking...

 I started thinking about what I would have to do to prepare for the race, trying to figure out a way I can do it, because I really want to.  What better way to jumpstart my weightloss?  First, do I have time?  There is twelve weeks.  The schedule I used last time was a ten week schedule.  Doable.  I can't run with both of the girls because I don't have a double jogger, and even if I did the baby is too young for that.  Well then I figured that I can run after the hubby gets home from work and the girls are in bed.  I can do that.  Right?

I'm nervous because I know how tiring it is to run 13.1 miles, but I know it will be so awesome to finish one again.  A great way to start of the year as well.  I'm very seriously considering doing this.  What do you think???


Kristi said…
I think you should go for it! If you feel strong enough! And since you have been exercising all along you should be fine!
I was looking at your ticker chart - you only have 20 to lose??? WAY TO GO! That is awesome! You will be there before you know it! Love ya!!!
Amanda said…
My friend and I just started working out last week. We had the exact same question. We have a half marathon in our area at the end of January. Can we do it? What 10 week work out schedule do you use? We'd love to know.
Unknown said…
If anyone can do it, you can!
You should totally do it!! You have the drive to do anything you put your mind to. I think 12 weeks is plenty of time if you find a good program you are following. If you have a smart phone, there is an app called SmartCoach. It helps you to create a training plan. I am currently training for a 15K and I am using this program right now. I love it!
Seriously, if you feel good enough to start working out you should totally do this!

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