a day in the life...Lifestyle changes
Beyond scriptures of the week I also have a chalkboard for quotes that I change weekly.
This week is one I really needed:

It is SO easy to forget the ultimate goal when you are tempted or just in the thick of things. Ugh. I get so frustrated with myself, especially when I make choices when I know - I KNOW that choice will not help me.
So this is for me. I pledge that I will repeat this quote each time I make a mistake or each time I feel down.
The quote prompted this:

This list has been a LONG time in coming. Like months. I've been so bloated and feeling yucky from eating seemingly healthy foods that do not like me. I've been meaning to make changes and I've been figuring out what diet I want to follow. But that never works for me either. So I came up with "Alisa's lifestyle and Diet." My diet is heavily influenced my the Mormon religious health code we call the "Word of Wisdom". But it definitely needs improvement. For example, Mormons are supposed to eat meat sparingly. Two meals a day is probably excessive, wouldn't you agree? So I need to work on that. The Yogi principle Ahimsa (non-violence) promotes a vegetarian diet because you are not being violent towards animals. I will continue eating meat, because in the Doctrine and Covenants 89:12 it says meat is ordained for the use of man to be used sparingly, with prudence and thanksgiving. That's the goal.
What are some lifestyle changes you are planning on making in the next few weeks.
Don't forget to smile while you cut those veggies for dinner!
This week is one I really needed:
It is SO easy to forget the ultimate goal when you are tempted or just in the thick of things. Ugh. I get so frustrated with myself, especially when I make choices when I know - I KNOW that choice will not help me.
So this is for me. I pledge that I will repeat this quote each time I make a mistake or each time I feel down.
The quote prompted this:
This list has been a LONG time in coming. Like months. I've been so bloated and feeling yucky from eating seemingly healthy foods that do not like me. I've been meaning to make changes and I've been figuring out what diet I want to follow. But that never works for me either. So I came up with "Alisa's lifestyle and Diet." My diet is heavily influenced my the Mormon religious health code we call the "Word of Wisdom". But it definitely needs improvement. For example, Mormons are supposed to eat meat sparingly. Two meals a day is probably excessive, wouldn't you agree? So I need to work on that. The Yogi principle Ahimsa (non-violence) promotes a vegetarian diet because you are not being violent towards animals. I will continue eating meat, because in the Doctrine and Covenants 89:12 it says meat is ordained for the use of man to be used sparingly, with prudence and thanksgiving. That's the goal.
What are some lifestyle changes you are planning on making in the next few weeks.
Don't forget to smile while you cut those veggies for dinner!