Doin good!

This week has been really good! I have worked out from Monday-today so far. Yay! If I exercise tomorrow, which I will :), then that is 10 days in two weeks! I have found that the exercising is not my weak point. I like to exercise. I feel like i can control that more than I can control my eating habits. I don't know why that is! Maybe because I like to eat a lot of different things, and I eat a lot of them. But, I do think that there is a difference in my body now that I am working out, so I am happy about that. It is hard because it just takes such a long time but I guess that is part of being patient and losing weight. But yay for staying consistant! I have fallen in love with exercising again. Yay!


Amanda said…
That's awesome, good for you!
Kristi said…
Good for you!!!! That is awesome - keep it up!
Lindy said…
I just started reading your blog because it seems we are trying to achieve some of the same things. I wish you many blessings as you continue to find "balance" after becoming a mother. I agree that the exercise isn't my problem either it's the eating. It took me almost 18 months after my son was born to drop 10 pounds. I've still got a ways to go. I wanted to say congrats on making it a commitment to yourself and realizing that God moves in everything we do!

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