Normally on my own

I have come to the point in my workout "career" (ha! can it really be called that?)/ "experience" that I feel pretty comfortable making up my workout everyday.  It feels pretty stinkin good.  Today I wanted a kick-behind workout and decided to pull out the Jillian Michaels cardio workout dvd (boost metablism one I think).  I had to blow the dust off of it- I really haven't used it in a month or so.  I turned it on knowing and hoping for a hard workout, because I just wanted one (weird I know).  I actually did not want to workout, I never do, but as I started, I semi-enjoyed it (mostly enjoyed the fact that I could do everything she asked,  and enjoyed the sweating).  But, seriously.  That is how it goes.  It takes everything for me to drag my bum off the couch to get a workout in, even though I know I will workout, because I always do, its still hard to find the motivation sometimes.  But, once I start warming up, I'm like, "ya, I'm working out, and it feels so good!"  And, it just gets better (and more tiring... :) as the workout goes on.  Then my favorite part comes-the cool down- I get to stretch and think about the fact that I just finished a 45ish minute workout (sometimes I get really crazy and workout for an hour.  I know, so crazy), and I don't have to workout again till the next day.  I give a secret "you go girl" and "wahoo!" to myself and then get on with the rest of the day.

Working out is hard. Sometimes I don't want to do it.  Even though I have been enjoying it on my own, its nice to know that JM is sitting there waiting for me when I need as strong-kick-in-the-behind.  And that kick-in-the-behind is so needed, and oh so rewarding.

What motivates you to workout?


My favorite part of working out is visualizing building the muscles I am working. I love that! I also love to wear a heart rate monitor and I try to see how high I can get it while I am working out. I also work out just so I can feel that feeling of being done working out. Does that make sense? I love that feeling!
Mandy said…
Hmm...your post motivates me! Now, I can't guarantee when the workout will actually occur, but I know it's coming! :)

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