An almost killer attack/smack down

Today I got to go running, for the first time all week.  Silly weather. I was so excited, but I didn't have time to drive to the park to run (they have a 4 mile track there), so I decided to run on this cool route I found a few weeks back when I was riding my bike.   With my daughter in the jogger, we set off running down the street.  As we turned the corner and ran past a few houses, I heard a dog barking.  It sounded like a big dog,  but I did not pay much attention because I thought that surely it would be behind a fence or something.  Out of my peripheral I see this big dog run up to me barking, and all I thought to do was to keep running.  I didn't run faster, I just kept running and tried to ignore it.  He was so close to me that he was hitting my heels as I ran, and I felt him bump my legs.  I prayed for two things at that instant- 1. That he would realize we weren't a threat and stop chasing me, and 2. that he had better not get even remotely close to touching my daughter.  To my greatest hope, he must have realized we weren't a threat (I am so grateful I decided to act like nothing was happening, and keep running at a normal pace) and just stopped following us.  I was so releaved that he stopped, and was overcome with emotion as I realized what had happened. 

As I was running I started to think about it, and I am so happy nothing happened, because my daughter was with me.  Bite me and attack me all you want, but when my daughter is involved you best believe I would come out with my fists ready.  I am so glad that he did not attack, because that is not an instance where I want to test my strength!  But, there was no way in heaven I was going to let me touch my daughter.

Needless to say, I probably won't run down that road EVER AGAIN.  I can't put my daughter at risk of that again.  Thank goodness I exercise and am fit, so if the occasion arrives, I will be able to hopefully hold my own, but I hope that it never coems to that.  Dogs can be viscious. 

I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for protecting us today, because there is no way in heaven my survival instincts were the only thing telling me what to do this morning, I believe I had help.  I will forever be grateful today for the fact that our lives were protected.


Davis and Laura said…
AHHH! This is my worst nightmare when me and Marshall run or walk in the morning. And I feel the same way...don't touch my baby boy!

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