A Day in the life... lessons from early morning yoga

Time for a new series!

Sometimes life is random.  Sometimes we learn specific lessons through activities and things we do. Sometimes life is funny.  Sometimes life is sad.  Sometimes we just need to vent.  Life happens, and this is where I am going to share little snippets of my life happening.

So, today I am going to talk about what I learned during my yoga practice.  There is this one pose in yoga I have ALWAYS thought would be cool to do but I never had the strength to do it. It is called the Crane Pose.  You basically look like a crane when you do it.  But I can't come near to that so I try and do the Crow pose, which is the street bird version. Thank you Kino Macgregor for explaining it that way!  Ps.  She is a yoga guru here in Miami who I am dying to have a private lesson with, but they are really expensive and require money saved, something I am working on.  Right now I have to just be happy following her Kino Yoga Youtube channel and her Be Strong Codyapp classes. Someday I will meet her and some day she will teach me a private lesson.  It has to happen while I live in the same city as her.  It just makes sense.  Another yoga YouTube channel I love is Yoga with Adriene. She has a great 30 day yoga challenge that is free. Doing the Yoga with Adriene videos is like doing yoga with your best friend.  Someday I must meet her too.  Maybe.

Back on point: So Crow Pose.  I never thought I would do it.  Back in January I remember really trying it for the first time.  I couldn't even get my knees on my arms.  Yikes.  Forget about lifting my body up.  I had no clue how to approach the pose.  Enter Kino yoga's Be Strong Level 1 on codyapp, which was my birthday present last December.  After 5 months of practicing the pose via Kino's suggestions, I can do it for a few seconds. Like 2 seconds.  Just 2.  But two is better than 1 and 1 is better than none.  So, it's an improvement.  So, Sunday night during Once Upon a Time (why Emma, why????????) I was practicing and I asked my handsome for help.  I wondered what it would be like to be in the air for more than a few seconds.  Handsome has great advice.  I always lean back when I get scared and I come out of the pose.  And my handsome said, "You have just got to fall a couple of times and then you will get it".  What?  But falling is NOT fun!!!! And it is scary!  What if I get hurt in the process?  No bueno.  But seriously.  I've always been the type to shy away from dangerous things and other unknowns.  Silly, I know. I am a bonafide scardy cat. No joke.  Just ask my mom.  This is why yoga is so good for me, because it is forcing me to face my fears.  Ya buddy!

So, falling.  Not fun.  But I started thinking about it and figured out I had to practice falling.  Every day I practice the Crow Pose, I at least always do it once.  If I miss a day or two the complete fear I have while doing it floods back and I feel frozen in place and have to force myself out of the fear.  Today, after some Yoga with Adriene, 30 day challenge day 3, I did some Crow Practice.  Head over to Instagram and find me (@alisalindsayjohnson) to see a video of me doing crow pose.  I decided to practice falling forward.  Talk about scary!  But, it wasn't that bad.  The biggest lesson I learned during my crow practice today was this:

It is okay to fall.

Say what????  You heard me.  It is okay to fall... as long as you pick yourself up again.  Push aside your fear and do it. What matters most is not how many times you fall, but rather how many times you pick yourself back up again.  Guess what?  After I had that thought this morning, I was able to do the Crow for like 4-5 seconds! Wo doggy!  Watch out world!  Alisa's learning yoga! Someday I will be able to do Crane pose.  Maybe by the end of the year?  Next year?  I don't know, but I am going to keep trying, and I am going to fall along the way.  But, that is okay.  I just will pick myselfright back up and do it again.   Here's to being fearless!

It is okay to fall


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