Mothers are the best thing ever!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="626"] Mommies always make the best kind of Grandmas too![/caption]

Aren't mommies AWESOME!?!?!?!  I've been blessed with such a cool mom.  My mom is my best friend.  My mom is always there for me.  What I remember most as a kid was that I could rely on her.  I knew that she would be home when I got home from school and she would be present to talk to me.  She taught me how to be a good listener.  My mom is a giver.  If you want to talk about love languages, that is hers HANDS down.  Just ask her family.  Every time she comes to visit, she brings something new for her granddaughters, and sometimes even something for me and my handsome too.  She gives of her time too.  One of my biggest memories as a kid was when we were driving to the mall.  This was right around the time when cell phones were more available for the middle class folk but they hadn't become crazy popular yet.  Well, my mom had one, for emergencies.  She said we couldn't call her unless there was fire, flood, or someone was bleeding (ya'll know you heard that as kids). So we were on the way to the mall, and we saw this guy on the road who had pulled over and opened his hood because his car broke down.  My mom decided to stop and ask if he needed help. She offered her phone to him so he could call for a tow truck.  It seems like such a simple act but I still remember it.  Through her actions my mom taught me a great lesson on serving others.  That woman is amazing.  She has taught me so many things- like baking and quilting which are some of my favorite pass times. I love you mom!  I am grateful to Heavenly Father every day for sending me to a home with the parents that I have.  My mom is the perfect mom for me. The hardest thing for me is being so far away from my mom!  She's in CA and I'm in FL.  Skype will have to do this mother's day!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="615"] I love my mother-in-law![/caption]

Yay for mother-in-laws.   Back when I was dating, my biggest rule for a potential spouse was that I had to get along with their mother.  I had seen multiple marriages fail because of the contention with in-laws and I wasn't about to let that happen with mine.  I lucked out!  My mother-in-law is so loving.  She is a good teacher.  I feel like I always learn something new from her each time she visits. Her love language for sure is time.  She comes and will play with my children all day long.  She loves playing games and singing songs.  She is always looking for ways to teach her grandchildren (and children/in-laws for that matter) new concepts or ideas to help give us knowledge.  Thanks for being an awesome mother-in-law and for raising such an awesome handsome son for me to marry!  You don't know how much that means to me!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="636"] My 3 cute stinkers![/caption]

Being a mommy is awesome!  I can't believe it has been over 6 years since I became a mom.  The number one thing that people tell me when they see my kiddos, is to cherish every moment, because life goes by WAY too fast.  Now that six years have gone by, and I've been able to have three cute little babies to cuddle, hold, and love on, I keep wishing time would slow down.  They are truly the light of my life.  My daughters are my biggest teachers.  I knew very little before I had kids.  They are teaching me to be patient, kind, loving, adventurous, forgiving, and so many other things.  They like to test me every day to make sure I am learning.  That is how much they want me/ need me to learn.  It is simply impossible to learn these attributes to the depth that I have without becoming a mother.  I would be half the person I am now if I decided to forgo this whole having children thing.  I would not change my life for anything.  Being a mom is incredibly hard.  It is a guessing game.  It is stinky (really stinky-like five diapers in one day stinky).  It is loud (why are they so loud and crazy when you really need them to be quiet?).  They make me cry.  They make me pull my hair out.  They make me understand my own mother a whole lot more (sorry mom for all of the awful things I did!). All of the hard stuff about motherhood is outweighed by their cuteness.  Seriously though, look at those faces!  When I think about all of the precious hugs, kisses (or no kisses if you are stinker number 2, only hugs right now), I love yous, notes from my 6 year old, and watching them grow and learn and see their eyes light up when I smile at them.  That stuff outweighs the bad stuff a hundred-fold.  Being a mom seriously rocks my socks.

Thanks cute stinkers for making me a mom! Thanks mom and mom-in-law for being awesome examples.  Thanks to my grandmas and aunts and all of the awesome women in my extended family  Thank goodness for Facebook to help keep us in touch.  And thanks to all of the mothers out there who I have had the opportunity to learn from over the years.  I think about many of you and I am so grateful for you!  Mothers are awesome.  Happy Mother's Day! Treat your momma right this weekend ya'll.

*********Send a smile her way.  She'll probably smile back!


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