The Buddy System
They say that having a support system helps your success in the losing weight area of life and I believe that is true. I usually am the type of person that like to work out by myself unless it is with my husband, or I ran a lot with my dad when I was in high school, but besides that it has been alone. So, because I want to be successful I decided to try it out. I remember an offer I had from one of my friends from our branch. We both are stay at home moms. When I was pregnant she offered that if I want to we could go for walks with each other. So, last night at the Young Women's Auction for our branch I asked her if she wanted to go walking. She said she would love that. It went further than that. She said she does yoga on Tuesday and Thursday nights at our City Rec center for two dollars a night and she would love a yoga buddy. Of course I consented. We start in a week because my family is going to be here next week. I am so excited! Woohoo! Yay for the buddy system. I know it is going to work because with the blog and with having a buddy I am held more accountable to succeed. With my husband's support it and a workout buddy I think it will make all the difference!