Today was a great day!

Well, here I am 3 days after deciding that I would start to work out and eat healthy and it was only today that I finally worked out! I am mad at myself for not doing anything on Wednesday or Thursday but at the same time I have to look at my success I had today. It was really easy to make excuses on both days about not working out (like going for a walk) because I have our baby to take care of. I am jut nervous of taking her anywhere by myself, don't ask me why, but I am. It just seems like a lot of work to just pack everything up in the car just to take it out for a tiny walk, so I didn't go. Today I told myself that I really want to lose weight and to just suck it up! So, I figured instead of going for a walk I could do pilates because I have quite a few pilates dvds. So I worked my abs and my buns and thighs. I feel great! I almost got through 30 minutes of it before my baby demanded my attention! Yay! Then Scott asked if I wanted to go for a walk at the park after he was done working and of course I said yes! We just barely got home. We walked 2 miles and I feel great! What a great date with my hubby! I suggest it to anyone who is having a hard time finding cheap dates to do with their spouse. It was nice to spend time away from the TV and every day grind and to just walk and talk, while getting exercise too!

There are a few things I learned from this:
1. There is no excuse good enough. I just have to work out. End of story. Without exercising and eating healthy I won't achieve my goals. I just need to suck it up and do it.
2. Another thing I learned this week is that I am an emotional eater. I found that on Wednesday and Thursday I ate more. I think it is because I felt bad for not doing anything active.
3. It is always fun to exercise with a partner. I am more likely to do it.
4. I need to remember when I don't want to work out just how good it makes me feel to work out because then I will do it.


Amanda said…
What a great date idea! And trust me....Kinsey will love to go out for walks too. Hunter loves going for walks...and it will expose her to new sounds and smells and things to look at.

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