A Healthier Me

I have decided to create this blog to document my efforts to becoming a heathier me. I figure that if I make myself accountable by creating a place where I have to record my health habits and what i want to do to treat my body better then maybe I will be able to combat one of my biggest struggles in my life, the struggle of weight. I have always had a hard time with maintaining a good weight my entire life. During my entire time at high school I was around 20 lbs over the weight I should be, and although that may not seem a lot, that we to me. 20 pounds is a lot for a 5 foot 2 inch frame. I college I finally made a turn. I committed to loosing weight by exercising and eating healthy. I lost a lot of weight and got down to the 130 pounds that I should be. I kept it off even after I got married...until I got pregnant. Going into the pregnancy I figured that I would gain a lot of weight just because it was easy for me and I did. During my pregnancy I gained around 50 pounds give or take a few. The recomended weight gain for most people is 25-35 lbs. When I passed that the doctor just stopped reminding me that that was what I hsould gain. I had our baby girl last month March 18. Now that it has been a month I want to start thinking about a weight loss plan that is healthy for me and my baby (because I am nursing). So this blog is going to be my tell all blog, where I record my downfalls and my successes as I embark on this long journey to a healthier, skinnier me. Feel free to watch as I embark on this journey and if you feel like you want to loose weight or just want to be healthier feel free to join me!


Amber said…
You are so awesome! I think it's so cool that you're motivated and did something about it. We've been trying to be better at exercising and eating healthier around here, and haven't had too too much success, so maybe you'll be our inspiration!
Amanda said…
What a great idea! I'd love to take this journey with you. I'll certainly be here to give you support and after August (after baby number two comes) I'll be able to join you in this weight loss goal.

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