Double Bonus

Yesterday I did not "exersize" in the sense that I did not set aside 30 minutes for a walk or pilates, but I did clean my entire house! It needed to be done so bad and so I decided that it would be my workout. I actually enjoyed cleaning. It was the first time in a few months that I was able to clean my house all by myself all in a few hours. I did it when the baby was asleep. I felt so empowered. My hosue got cleaner than it has been since before the baby was born and I got a workout and I just feel better because it is clean. I think I feel so empowered by it was because the night before I had a really hard time with the baby. She would not sleep very much and I just was not very confident. We are trying to teach her to fall asleep by herself and it is really hard to listen to her cry. So, yesterday I was to the point where I just did not want to do anything. I just wanted to sit around and wallow in my self pity, but I recognized that as a trigger thta I owuld eat more so I decided right there that I would clean the entire house and do the laundry. Boy did that choice feel good! I feel very good about how this week went as far as exercise and food choices are concerned. I exercised every day from Monday to Friday and I made decent food choices. The healthy eating is a work in progress but I am working on it. I just feel so good with the choices I have made.


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