A new spiritual health goal
At stake conference this weekend, the Stake president talked about missionary work, going to the rescue (going to the rescue is a call to all members from the Prophet, President Monson). He talked about a dinner party he had with the other members of the stake presidency and their families. He asked everyone to take a 3x5 card and right down the date when they will go on a full time mission. He did not expect anyone to give him the cards back, he just wanted them to make a goal. So, as the party was ending, one of the second counselor's daughters, who is 11 years old, came up and gave him her card, which said something like May 20, 2018. This is an 11 year old girl who had decided she wanted to go on a misison when she is 21! I was actually quite envious of her because I ALWAYS wanted to go on a mission, but something just as good (if not better) happened before my 21st birthday, I got married to my eternal companion. So, anyway, in my heart I was hoping that she would be able to go on the mission that she has a goal for. The thought went through my head, that I don't have to go on a full time mission to be a missionary. I can share the gospel with whoever will listen! After the story the stake president asked us to set a date for when we are going to go on a full time misison and start planning for it. So, there is the opportunity to go with my hubby when he is retired so I can set a goal to go after then. So, if he retires when he is 70 (who knows when, but if he does then, this is my goal), I want to go on a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in September of 2053. This is my goal, now I must start planning!
Love you!