Healthy Relationships

Date nights came pretty much to a standstill after we had our girl.  Since then they have consisted of renting and watching movies after K goes to bed, or just having a really nice dinner at home.  Not much going out.  It makes it somewhat harder when you move so much because at each new place you have to find a new baby sitter you are willing to intrust with your child.  Since we have lived in New Mexico, we have now only gone on  2 dates.  One of those was last night.  We went out to a stake place to finally celebrate my graduation, as well as a nice very belated celebration of our third year anniversary.  It was a blast!  Dating, even if it is infrequent, does really help keep your relationship alive.  I fully believe that.  Courtship definitely does not end once you say "I do".


Mandy said…
I'm so glad you finally got to go on that date! :)

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