Loss of Self-control

I am pretty frustrated about this right now.  I had been doing so good and then all the sudden vacation comes, and I have so much fun, and eat a little too much probably, and workout 3 days less than I should have, and two weeks later I have 4 pounds to lose.  That's right, I gained four pounds on vacation!  How does that even happen?  I did not mention it last week because I was so embarrassed and also because I was hoping beyond hope that it was just because Aunt Flow was about to visit my home.  Maybe that is why I weigh extra still?  There's to hoping, but I don't think that is the primary cause of my extra poundage-not that 4 pounds is a lot.  I'm lucky I did not gain 10 or 20!  But, still, my goal has been to maintain or lose, not GAIN.  I know perfectly well the reasons why I gained this weight back:

I recorded nothing that I ate while I was in SC (forgot my food journal).
I only exercised 3 out of the six days that I could have.
I had too many extra snacks, and should have controlled my portions.

Since we got home almost two weeks ago:
I have fallen back into my after-dinner snacking with homemade cookies or ice cream. 
After lunch I "forget" to record what I eat-I call it pure laziness. 

The only thing I have been consistent with is exercise (besides my trip).  I exercise six days a week regardless of what's going on.  Thank goodness!  So at least there is that to pat myself on the back for doing!

I am just so frustrated.  I've been on this downward spiral for months as far as eating is concerned.  I bake too much (I just love it too much).  I eat too much of what I bake.  And even then, it was only reserved for the weekends-a cookie or two on Friday, a cookie or two on Sunday.  Now its eat extra snacks whenever I feel like it, and eat how ever much I feel like.  Its like someone turned on a switch in my brain telling me that it was suddenly okay to not record everything, and eat everything in sight.  VERY VERY not good!

So, then you might ask me, what's the plan Alisa? 

Trainermomma just did a lovely post about overeating.  Instead of just thinking that is wonderful advice, I am actually going to put that advice into action:
  • Drink tons of water.  She recommends 1 gallon.  That is my new goal.  If I am drinking tons, then I won't have time to snack extra right???  And it will keep me full.
  • Schedule my eating.  No extra eating or snacking.  I will eat every 3 hours-3 meals with 2 snacks.
  • Eat protein with every meal or snack.
  • When I am REALLY, TRUELY hungry don't go for a piece of cinnamon raisin bread, but go for a piece of fruit or some veggies.  Often times the reason I snack at night is just to do something, or because I am stressed.
  • Record EVERYTHING I eat, and the calorie counts.  Know the calorie counts.  That is my biggest issue.  If I don't know the count, don't eat it.
  • Have ONE meal a week (Sunday meal, or this week it will be tonight because I have a seriously hot date!) where I can eat whatever I want.  Of course I will still make healthier choices.  But if I want a piece of cake or cookie after then meal than it will be okay.  That way I won't feel like I am deprived.  No long will I let myself eat whatever I want all weekend long. 
  • Keep myself in check. 
I've just let myself ever so slowly allow myself to eat a snack here and a snack there.  Its been a slow, slow change, whcih is why I'm so frustrated, because I could have nipped it in the behind before it got this bad.  My mentality needs to change.  I should not just eat food because its there.  This has ALWAYS been my problem, so its easy to just fall back into it again.  I know one thing is certain-I will become better, because I know I can.  Its only four pounds.  That is the easy part.  Its the changing my snacking habit that is going to be the tough thing to accomplish.  Not impossible, but difficult.  That is where I ask Heavenly Father for guidence and that is also why I am posting it here so I am held responsible. 

Wish me luck!


Mandy said…
Good luck! You can do it!! We all have times of "slippage," but what's important is that we do something about it before reaching the bottom. :)

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