Feelin' Good
I am really starting to figure out the type of excuses I make to get out of exercising. I make A LOT of them. Today had to do with some minor pain I was feeling in my hind region so I wasn't going to do pilates. Another excuse I like to make for going walking is, "Its too hard to pack all the baby stuff up and go" which is why I don't go walking. Another reason why is because our street does not have side walks, actually most of the South does not have sidewalks, it is very annoying actually. But, we don't really live in a neighborhood so it is not entirely safe to walk, especially with a stroller, so in order to go walking we have to go to a park. The city park is like 10 minutes away so it is really no big deal, these are just the excuses I like to make. They are really sorry excuses though. All excuses to not exercise are bad excuses because there is always time for exercise because my health and well-being depends on it. So, today I conquered my excuse of not doing pilates, and I stopped feeling sorry for myself because I hurt and I packed the baby up and went to the park all by myself! I walked for a whole mile before I had to get back to make my hubby dinner. I felt so good afterwards! That choice empowered me to do better tomorrow. So far this week I am 3 for 3 as far as exercising is concerned. Yay! I am doing good this week and feeling good because I am doing good! Woohoo! Exercise is awesome! I have figured out that I need to pay attention to my mental processes when it comes to exercising because i will be more likely to exercise. I am feelin' real good!