Pilates for post-partum moms
Okay, so one of my favorite shows is The Dr.s on ABC. One episode they talked about exercising and weight loss. Jillian Michaels, fitness trainer from The Biggest Looser (another show I watch every week, go everyone on there that are losing weight!), was on this episode. There was one woman that had a question about what to do to lose post pregnancy weight, and Jillian said that pilates were a great way to do it. That made me happy because that is what I did to lose weight a few years ago, a combo of pilates and running is what I did. I have pilates dvds and so I have started them. I forgot how nice pilates are. I am the type of person that needs to change up their workout every once in awhile to stay active so its been awhile since I did these pilates, but I have done them a few times in the last week and I love them. I know they work because my abs are sore. I welcome that soreness because I know that it means the workout is working. So, to all my friends that are pregnant and looking forward to losing the weight aftewards try pilates. It works great!
I always went on an AM walk and then while Em napped i did my pilates. Ya, the majority of the morning was spent exersizing but I loved it! Its a little harder now to do the pilates part, I have to get all the kids involved in something else.... but the walking is still awesome;)