On a spiritual note...

Last night I was reading my scriptures. I was reading in the Book of Mormon, in 1 Nephi 17. In this chapter Nephi's brothers and the Sons of Ishmael get mad and Nephi for ltelling them to help him build a boat for them to get to the promised land. Well, they did not like him telling them what to do. Nephi tells them the history of Gods dealings with Israel and tells his brothers that their hearts are hard. He said that they were slow to remember the Lord just like the people of Israel were ta times. He was really sad because of his brothers because they wanted to cause him harm. In verse 48 he commands them, in the name of God, to not touch him or their hands will wither like a dried reed. He told them to murmur no more against their father and to help him build the ship that God wants him to build. In verse fifty he said "And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he sould command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it it would be done." And after that through a sign the Lord told Nephi to give, the brothers were brought back to remembrance of their Lord, and they decided to help Nephi build a ship. Nephi did build the ship, even though he had never done it before. He did it because the Lord commanded him

In the Book of Mormon and the Bible it seems like one of the major themes is that when the Lord gives you commandments he provides the means to accomplish them even when it seems impossible. Because the Lord has commanded me to treat my body like a temple I can do it. Because he commanded me to follow the word of wisdom (our health code), I can do it. It maybe e hard but I can do it. It reacquires faith, and when you have faith anything can be done. Bvecause I have believed that I could run a half marathon it can be done, because Heavenly Father will help me. It is a way to treat my body like a temple because I am trying to make it healthier and last longer. He will help me. He has helped me. Heck, I have ran 12 miles already!!!!! Twice!!!!!!! I could not have done that without the Lord's help.

I will also be able to finish school because it is important to Heavenly Father for me to get an education. In the past years things that have happened in my life haven't happened for no reason, especially when it comes to my education. I would not still be going to school if Heavenly Father hadn't opened the way. I will finish because He wants me to do it.

I am grateful for the message I found in the Book of Mormon to help me remember where my success comes from. I am grateful for prayer because it is through prayer and through revelation from the Holy Ghost that we can realize Heavenly Father's path for us. I fully believe that and I am so grateful. Sometimes it is also through the scriptures that we find these answers, which is why it is so important for us to read them.

Okay, I am off my soap box now, but I am just so grateful for that experience I had last night. I love the gospel!


Lindy said…
THe things that are shown to us in daily scripture are amazing. Some days they just speak to us.

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