Love that Flax!
Flaxseed has become my new best friend. Its a great source of fiber (something we all can use), and its a great source of Omega-3's, a healthy fat that only comes in some fish like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed (I'm not sure if it comes in any other things). Because I do not like fish, I depend on walnuts and flaxseed for my Omega-3's. The great thing about flaxseed is that you can substitute it tablesspoon for tablespoon with Oil. So, I have a roll recipe where I only put half the butter it calls for and then I substitute flaxseed mill. I also do the same thing with my bread by halfing the oil and replacing it with flaxseed. It adds a whole new dimension to baked goods that I love. You could seriously add it to anything like muffins, pizza dough, bread, smoothies, cereal. And, I make all of those things, so its easy to get those omega-3's in my diet now. I highly recomment using it. You can find it in most grocery stores. I can find it in the baking section and or the cereal section. My favorite is flaxseed mill (ground flaxseed).
Let me know what you use flaxseed for!
Let me know what you use flaxseed for!