Annual Cookbooks

Last friday my mom and I went to the book store because she had to buy some books for her class.  While there I floated to the cookbook section (weird huh? somehow I find myself there often...), the clearance section.  I was looking through it and found a cookbook that I have been wanting to get FOREVER, really, it was not a want, it was a need-a need that would fulfill my every goal!  My every hope! My every dream!  Okay, probably a little dramatic, but you get the picture, right?  I have wanted this book for awhile.  Guess what the best part was?  It was 8 stinkin bucks!  For almost 500 pages worth of recipes!  Say what?  You bet ya I wanted it.  Like any good faithful wife, I called my husband to see if I could get it (really, though, who does that?  It was only 8 bucks!  I feel so guilty spending ANY money without talking to him first).  Crossing my fingers, praying that he would say yes I speed-dialed his number, he answered, and I could hardly contain my excitement as I told him about it and he hardly hesitated and told me I could get it!  Halelujah!!!!!!!  I could hear angels singing in the background!  No, but seriously, I was so excited!  So, I bought it.  Frugal me spending only 8 dollars for a book I have been wanting BADLY.  So, I bet, now you are wondering what book I am talking about....

Is the suspense killing you yet???????

Is it????

How about now????????????????

Ha.  Okay, I bought this book: Cooking Light Annual Recipes 2009

Look at the price on the link.  Please do.

That is what gets me really, really, really, really, really, really, really EXCITED!  Only 8 books for a book that costs almost $25 dollars at!  SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!  I couldn't be more happy.  Seriously I couldn't.  Okay, maybe once I make one of the recipes from the book I would, but right now I am pretty stinkin (there's that word again) happy. 

Now, I think I am going to go waste wisely spend my time looking through the October section of the book (yes, the divide it into months!  AWESOME!) and find some recipes I can make this week.  YAY!


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