A down morning

This morning I woke up excited to step on that scale to see how much weight I lost this week-because man, I worked HARD this week.  Really, really hard- with both my eating and my exercise.  I thought for sure I would lose SOMETHING.  You see, I've been bouncing in-between 124 and 127 for a few months now.  I was 122 at the beginning of the summer, but I just got lazy I guess... anyhow, last week was a 127 week.  I was okay with that because I thought surely I would weigh back down to 124 this week, especially since I've been working hard this week.  So I stepped on the scale, and to my utter dissapointment I gained 1.5 pounds this week!  I am 128.5!  What gives!  I haven't seen that number since probably April or May.  Don't get me wrong, I know I am in the healthy weight range, but the goal is not gaining weight.  Maintenence means keeping your weight, not gaining 6 pounds over the last few months! I keep telling myself that there are explainable reasons for it-

Maybe I gained muscle from my extra running this week????
Maybe I gained pre-menstral weight this week seeing as Aunt Flow should be visiting next week???
Maybe my body is just being crazy right now???
Maybe I just need to be better...

Okay, so here is what I think:
After crying about it (yes I did cry this morning-also because my daughter woke up during my 5 am workout, why can't she just let me workout before she wakes up?  FIVE am is EARLY for a little girl! Gosh!), and being angry and upset because it just didn't make sense (I've put in more workout hours this week than I have in awhile, and eaten less), I figure that its hopefully some silly thing my body is doing.  I mean, I am definitely not eating too many calories, I had less snacks (the snacks in-between the snacks that I was so good at), and I have been eating healthy all week. So time will tell. 

Goals for this next week:
1. Stick to my running schedule (I am still considering whether I really want to run for 5-6 hours straight...unfortunately this week I found out that it could potentially make a health problem I have a little worse... So the jury is still out on that front...not to worry, I will still race, it may just be a half or just the 10k turkey trot on thanksgiving)

2. No snacks after dinner-no exceptions.  This week I did have a snack after dinner most nights, but that was only my second snack for the day so I used that excuse.  This next week I am going to get my second snack in for the day before dinner.  I will brush my teeth after the girl goes to bed, and keep myself occupied so I don't think about food.  I may just have to seclude myself in my room after dinner each night.

3. Only allow myself 2 little candies on Halloween.  I will choose very, very, very wisely- no candy that I just kind of like.

4. No snacking of cookies I am making for hubbies co-workers today.  I'll make Scott taste them before we give them to everyone else to make sure they are alright.

5. Keep writing everything that I eat in my journal.  I am super proud of myself this week.  I have written everything I ate in my journal this week.  It feels good!

Hopefully these will help me get back to 127 (or even better, 124) this week!  Hope you all have a happy halloween!  Happy food control!

P.S.  This scripture helped me get the right perspective today: Proverbs 23:7: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."  I won't get any where if I just think negative about my situation.  I can change it, so I am going to.  End of story.  That is why I write my goals down, so I will achieve them.  Wish me luck!  Good luck to you too!


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