I did it!

So, you know how I told you that I was not going to touch the cookies that I was making- like not even eat the dough, or taste a cookie once they came right out of the oven??????


I did not touch the cookies (unless you count putting them on the cookie sheet, or the cooling rack, or as they were going into the goodie bags...:)  I did let myself indulge and have 1 1/2 cookies after I ate my Fried Rice for when I went to the hubbies work for lunch (do you guys want the recipe????  I'm not sure of the calorie amount though... its kind of a "this much looks good" recipe).  I was quite proud of myself that I stopped at 1 1/2.  The other half when the the man.  So glad I exhibited self control!  I wasn't sure I could do it, but I said I could, and I did!  Now I know that next time I make dessert (thinking about making Pumpkin Brownies on Sunday with some homemade chocolate ice cream... on Sunday), I can make it and bake it without taste licking the entire bowl clean!  AWESOME!

Really, Im so excited about this!


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