Michael Pollan's Food Rules
I received this awesome book as a gift for my b-day from my wonderful brother-in-law and his wife. Contained inside are 64 food rules to help us know what we should eat, what kind of food to eat, and how should I eat. I know what I should eat (he says eat food-real foods instead of the highly processed kin), and I do pretty well eating whole foods, and less processed foods. I have a difficult time on the how I should eat portion- my main problem is the how much I should eat thing. My brain has a hard time listening to my body when it tells me I am full. For some reason that mechanism is somewhat broken. I am out to fix it.
For this reason, I have decided to devote a weekly post or two to Michael Pollan's food rules, what I think about them, and what I am going to do to institute them into my life. My main focus will be on t he "how I should eat" portion because that is what I struggle with the most. I may or may not cover all the food rules, but I will cover any I believe to be important. My hope is that by the end of the year, I will be a better intuitive eater (check out this post by trainermommma about intuitive eating) and have better control over my food and my mind. This will also encourage weekly goal setting as I will try to do this each week.
For this reason, I have decided to devote a weekly post or two to Michael Pollan's food rules, what I think about them, and what I am going to do to institute them into my life. My main focus will be on t he "how I should eat" portion because that is what I struggle with the most. I may or may not cover all the food rules, but I will cover any I believe to be important. My hope is that by the end of the year, I will be a better intuitive eater (check out this post by trainermommma about intuitive eating) and have better control over my food and my mind. This will also encourage weekly goal setting as I will try to do this each week.