Today I danced

I danced with my daughter...

for exercise.

It was so nice to have a change from my workout dvds, and I wanted to workout before we went out and about to our appointments and such (normally not an issue, but I wanted to sleep in today!), and my daugther always BEGS to dance to her cds we got her for Christmas (I am pretty sure I can sing to all of them word for word, and its two cds!  We listen to them ALL THE TIME!).  So, I figured out a plan: I could solve both the issue that my daughter wanted to dance, and my issue that I wanted to exercise before we left (I hate having to shower twice in the day, especially in the winter, and since I had some appointments I wanted to show up clean...) could be solved if I put all my exercise gear on and see if I can burn as many calories I would like in the time I had allotted.






I hopped, skipped, ran around in circles, hopped and skipped some more, and ran around in more circles.  I even had the opportunity to run up and down our stairs some while my daughter took a break and colored (her other activity that she just BEGS to do.  All I seriously hear is "Color?" "Dance?" so cute!). 

The best part was that I still was able to pay attention to my daughter as I was doing it.  I didn't have to worry about her picking up weights, or getting kicked as I was doing some tae bo.  She was moving with me.  If there is one thing I want to teach my daughter, it is that exercise is SO IMPORTANT, and that it can be fun. 

Who knows, I may institute a weekly dance off with my daughter, and get some exercised done while doing it!  AWESOME!

What do you do to promote movement with you children?


Vennesa said…
Good for you! I do that with my kids sometimes too.
Once a month my gym has kids aerobics. My kids ask every Saturday if it's the day when they can come with me to the gym.
Unknown said…
We dance too! It helps me get meals cooked. We dance and cook in the kitchen.
I also take them on walks and try to promote playing outside. It's hard though when it's cold and I do not like the cold.
Now we have a Wii and Belle loves to do the walking games on Wii Fit Plus. I'm not complaining! She's exercising!

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