New Week

On to a new week of healthyness and exercise. Last week was great. My diet did kind of go out the window when Scott and I went on a date Friday. We went and ate at Goobers in Mount Airy. If you are ever in the area go try it. It was really good, but I did not want to look at the scale the next day. I have been trying to stay off the scale until tomorrow which is when I normally get on the scale. That way I don't drive myself crazy. It is frustrating at how slow the weight is coming off. I have a friend who is doing weight watchers and she has lost like 10 pounds in 3 weeks... but I don't want to pay for that. Eathing healthy and exercise is the best way, it just takes longer. Oh well, I guess it took me nine months to pack it on. I just hope I can reach my goal! I really think that I can... visualize the goal... visualize the goal...


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