Proud of myself

My mom made some really tasty dessert yesterday (texas sheet cake, yum). I calculated the calories and if I substituted applesauce for the shortening the calorie amount would have been fine and I could have had a slice. During the process I was helping my mother and I was not paying attention and added the shortening to the dessert. My mother did not realize and she added the applesauce to the dessert as well. So, needless to say I could not partake anymore. You see, shortening has around 1800 calories A CUP. I know, its a lot! So, I had a small bite of the cake and that was it! I was so proud of msyelf! Instead of wollowing in self pitty for my mistake, I let myself have a little bite and that was it. It is slowly becoming easier to control what I eat. Yes!!!!!!


That is seriously so great because that is so hard for me too! You are doing such a great job!

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