Workout DVDs reviewed

I did both dvds, well all of one, and part of another-the baby woke up from her nap before I was done- and here are my reviews:

Jillian Michaels DVD: Excuse my frankness, but this DVD kicked butt! It was super hard, but that is a good thing, right. The entire time I was just like, "When is this going to be over! I can't do it!" There were some really hard moves, but I am glad, because I needed to up the intensity of my workouts a little bit. So, it kicked my butt, but it was really nice because right when I wanted to stop, Jillian would say something like "I know this burns, but remember why you are doing this. Focus on your goal". Or, "Don't quite now, you're almost there!" She just always very motivational. I think I will buy more of her workout dvds, because although they are hard, you do it because of the motivation and because of your goal. So, I definitely will keep doing this dvd because I think it will help me in my weightloss goals. There was a few workouts that I did that were hard and I did not complete, but I will next time, because I have to to make a change. I definitley recommend this dvd. It was awesome! And... its an hour workout, which is a great amount of time!

Dancing With the Stars DVD:
Eh.... I wasn't so impressed with this one. Number one thing: I did not feel that the instructors were very motivational. It just seemed like the went through the swing of things. Second, I knew i had two left feet, but today I was reminded of that. Silly me for trying to dance! I kind of wish I would have gotten a different cardio dvd. Maybe for my birthday, or Christmas (my b-day is in December as well).

All-in-all I worked out for 1 1/2 hours, so that is good. 3 hours later, my arms still are tired as well as every other part of my body! It was great!


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