Pool Hopping
Yup. Its that time of year. Swimming season. The dreaded season. The, man-I-don't-look-good-enough-to-wear-this season. But alas, every year it comes, and every year there will be times when you go to the beach (I wish I was in Cali right now!), or to the pool, and you will need to wear that dreaded swimsuit. I have a dillemma today. We have a pool at our complex and I was invited by some of the moms to go and swim at 2, but one of my other friends asked me prior to go and swim at their apartment's pool at 2:30. Two dreaded wonderful opportunities to wear a swimsuit. I LOVE swimming, and for once I ALMOST feel comfortable wearing one sans shorts, and tee-shirt, and stockings, sunglasses, and hat (anything I could do to hide), but I don't have a swimming suit that really fits that well. Oh well, I am still going to go out there and have fun. Who cares if someone sees my stretch marks (I guess they will be hiding under the suit) or my cottage cheese they call cellulite. I don't have to impress anyone anyway. So, I think we are going to go pool hopping. Sweet! Hope you guys get to go have fun at the pool/beach as well!