Wall Sits

I was on my seventh grade basketball team and pretty much loved every minute of it-except for the practices... especially the wall sits.  My coaches would make us sit against the wall next to each other, sans chair, and while we were sitting there we would pass the ball back and forth, for a time that seemed pretty close to forever.  For some crazy-insane reason I have decided to revert back to my adolescent years AGAIN (remember the suicides I talked about earlier?), and do wall sits again tonight (we got back from our trip at seven, perfect amount of time to get a workout in, don't you think?).  The first wall sit, I did 1 and a half minutes without much difficulty.  The second time I decided going for two minutes.  That was easier than I thought it would be, but still a challenge.  The third time was the hardest.  It brought back all of those memories of sitting against the wall in seventh grade and crying.  Seriously I really did cry back then while doing them...  I am/was kind of a sissy.  The third time (second time doing 2 minutes) I said, "I don't know if I can do this!", and my loving, most wonderful, awesome, handsome husband said to me, "wall sits are hard but you are doing SOOO well!  You can do it!"  He gave me the fuel to keep on going those last thirty seconds (who knew 2 minutes could feel so LONG!), and I did it!  I don't think I have ever done wall sits for that long before!  I decided to walk off the burn by going to get the mail.  Thank goodness it was dark, because I probably looked like I had jelly for legs.  They were all over the place.  I'm so happy I worked out tonight!  Can't wait to get back  to the normal routine tomorrow!  It was certainly nice to have a break for awhile, but I am ready to get back on it, and to get  back on it hard.  Some new goals will probably be showing up here in the next few days... keep posted!


Westover's said…
Please tell, how did you do on vacation? Gain weight? Lose weight? Stay the same?

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