On Saturday I ran for the first time in 2 months. The weather here in CA has been beautiful-in the 70s! Sweet! So, excercising outside is actually an option. My father has been my running buddy ever since I could remember (now, of course my running buddy is my husband, but for all intents and purposes, my father is too, especially when I am home), and we decided to go running on Saturday. Such a good idea! We were going to run 4 miles but ran a little over 5! I felt like I could have run more, but the poor dog (who is seventeen, who knows how much that is in dog years!), was dragging big time for the second half, so we decided to call it good. He probable kept us from going faster (I so wanted to, but he was SO SLOW :), but that is okay. I loved it! Yesterday I loved it even better because I was sore. Soreness=good workout in my book! It was so nice to run again! I think I might do it again for my workout tomorrow. Today is weightlifting day. Yay for shaking up the workout though!!!!! So nice to do something different!