
Why can't I say no? 

I brought my own snacks for our flights today.  Why could I not say no to the stewardess handing out cheesits and peanuts? 

My family were invited to eat at a friends house so I went.  Why did EVERYTHING have to have dairy in it?  Why did I HAVE to eat it?  Why did I have to eat the DOUBLE sized cupcake that my mother had made? 

I LOVE visitng my family, but it is extremely hard to make healthy decisions when everyone else is eating something not so healthy that looks delicious.  I feel like I am totally left out. 

So, now I feel cranky.  I feel tired.  I have a head ache.  I have a tummy ache, and yucky other unpleasant things that come with lactose-intolerance.  I am having a pretty good pitty party for myself.  When am I going to realize that eating this way just is not worth it?  It makes me sick, literally.

But, tomorrow is a new day though, so I am going to WRITE down everything that I eat, and then I think that the only way I will stay super good is that I need to report it back on here.  I am going to try my best to be my best when eating, and working out.  Yay for the upcoming journal extravaganza!  It will be good to write everything down and stay accountable.  I will keep you posted.  Pray for me!


Kristi said…
Alisa - don't be too hard on yourself! We all have bad days, just pick yourself up and try harder today!
Personally I feel like vacation is vacation - ya, try to eat healthy but allow your self to have a treat a day instead of once a week. If you keep up your workouts you should be just FINE! You may not lose, just maintain - but you will get the full enjoyment of a vacay and be ready to hit the ground running again when you get home! Love ya and give the fam hugs from me!!!!

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